Ryan Morris

Ryan Morris, JD

Ryan Morris is a Senior Analyst at Epsilon Life Sciences. His experience includes conducting payment transparency analysis; auditing and monitoring; reviewing, developing, and assessing policies and procedures; and conducting an annual compliance effectiveness review as part of a team serving as the Compliance Expert to the Board of a bio-pharmaceutical company under a Corporate Integrity Agreement.

Prior to joining Epsilon Life Sciences, he practiced professional liability defense litigation. Ryan also held various roles across healthcare and compliance, including working in the privacy office for a large health system, as part of an ethics group of a professional organization, and in the compliance and legal department of a revenue cycle management company. He also has experience conducting privacy investigations, maintaining privacy policies and procedures, and assisting in enterprise risk management planning.

Ryan received a Bachelors in Business Administration in Healthcare Risk Management and Economics from Temple University. He obtained his Juris Doctor from DePaul College of Law, where he also received a Certificate in Healthcare Compliance and served as the Executive Text Editor of the DePaul Journal of Health Care Law.

Dominica Chadafull